We want to thank all of the people who filled the Capitol Building's Board Room yesterday to help draw attention to policies that would dramatically reduce homelessness in Utah. Below are a pictures from Faith, Hunger and Homelessness Day.
Here are news stories about the event:
Here are news stories about the event:
One speaker at Faith, Hunger and Homelessness yesterday was the Director of Utah's Office of Homeless Services. Wayne Niedherhauser, who explained the major funding proposals being recommended for the state budget by Governor Cox. Today he presented on those proposals in more detail to the members of the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee. This presentation included a new handout on Homelessness in Utah that had details about how Utah has expanded efforts to reduce homelessness in the past two years. That document also had new data about about homelessness in Utah. Unfortunately, senior and family homelessness have increased by 27 percent since 2020 and youth homelessness has increased by 59 percent. To learn more about how Governor Cox's budget proposals would address this crisis, look read pages 9-25 in this slideshow presenting all of the budget requests being submitted for consideration by the legislature by Utah's Department of Workforce Services. |